The main advantage is our relentless and tireless explorer spirit, our team composed by idealist field engineers, not plaza engineers and our studies not separated from farm environment...

Technological solutions take place of traditional methods in the world. Recommended solutions for maximum yield would increase investment costs. As of AUTOMILK, we work to make technology easily accessible for farmer.

We have many original ideas as a result of the time we spend in farms with engineer perspective. Some of them are related to solve the problems of Turkish farmer, some of them are models that will be presented in the world for the very first time. In the field of husbandry technologies, we develop genuine solution ideas for many problems through the collective work of disciplines such as electronic, machinery and informatics Through the support of TÜBİTAK, our R&D studies continue without slowing down as well as our products presented to Turkish and world market. Academical history of our team would provide us to track many related globally development in this field.

Providing higher quality product with relevant cost is an endless target for AUTOMILK. We would thank all of our business associates, public enterprises and customers who support us for this cause.